Lake Toba


There are several legends about Lake Toba, but they are basically all the same expect for a few detail. This is the story : Once upon a time, there was a man who lived around a ravine of Toba Hill. Nobody knew when arrived or where came from. He lived in a small temporary hut on a farming area by the river, surrounded by an oval-shapped hill. he was a fisherman, he also owned a garden. Once, he found a big fish in his woven rattan fish trap and it changed his life, in fact, he had never caught such a big fish before. It was an extra-ordinary one. Then he put it in his hut and went out to think about how to cook it in a special way.

After a little while, he went back to the hut. To his surprise, it was not an ordinary fish but a supranatural one. it had turned into a beautiful princess. It is scales had changes in to beautiful jeweled ornaments and dreses fit for a princess. he than proposed to her, he asked her " will you be my wife " she nodded romantically.

The man was very happy. The princess said that she would like to get married with him but only with one condition. He should never tell any body that she had been a fish. The man a greed, seh told him that if the broke his promise that there would be tears parting and disaster. Finally, they lived happily and harmoniously whit their only daughter. After the daughter grew up, her mother always asked her to take her father's lunch to him where he was out working in the fields. But unfortunatly she was very greedy. Once, she ate up all the food that should have been given to her father. He was very angry when he saw her eating up all his food in the street. He shouted at her " You a rebeilious !!, you are really the offspring of a fish !!!".

The princess heard the husband curse and felt that he had broken their agreement, arriving home the daughter asked her mother, who was crying, about it. Without answering her daughter's question, she asked her to go a hill because there would be an disaster. After she had been praying for one minute there was an earthquake. Heacy rains feel down and springs came up from the ground. The place turned into Lake Toba and the hill into Samosir Island.


To go to lake toba, you can leave through Medan go toas Parapat. Transportation Journey go through time more or less 4 clock. From Medan can use the transportation of bus or follow entourage from a agent travel. To see more complete location of Lake Toba you can download the map its shares of lable map section.


Hanging Rock

Hanging Rock reside in side the lake toba south, you can visit it by using transportation irrigate, with expense one people more or less fifteen thousand rupiah. Hanging Rock is a local society legend trusted to date.

Samosir Island

Going along the shore of Toba Lake about 5 km from the Pusuk Buhit area we will arrive at Samosir Island by crossing the Pusuk Buhit channel, Samosir Island which lies in Lake Toba can be circumnavigated by road (120 km) or tourist can travel around Lake Toba by water transportation.
There are several tourist attraction on Samosir Island like : Simanindo, Siallagan, Tuk Tuk Siadong, Tomok and Lagundri. All Places can be reached directly from Ajibata(at Parapat) by public and water transformations.