General Information

North Sumatera lies at latitude 1 degree North-4 degree North, longitude 98 degree East-100 degree East, and borders on the special region of Aceh on the North, the province of West Sumatera and Riau on the South, the Malacca Straits on the East, and the Indian Ocean on the West. The total land area of North Sumatera covers an area of 71,680 sq km. with in habitants.

The Province Of North Sumatera comprises 18 regencies, 7 municipalities. The capital is Medan. It is the western gate of teh Indonesian archipelago. It Faces the Malaysian Peninsula, and is seperated by the Malacca straits. Medan has developed a lot in the last several years. It also has a lot of historical remains which show how the traditional life styles were maintened by previous generations.

The province of North Sumatera is rich in flora and fauna. The main exports are rubber, tea, palm oil, cacao, coffee and tobacco. The fame of Deli tobacco has made North Sumatera well known in the world. Deli tobacco has been available ever since teh dutch colonial era. It is still exported to Europe and other countries. North Sumatera is also famous for its mani diffrent kinds of delicious fruits.

North Sumatera is predominantly covered by large forests, hilly areas, volcanos and some coastal areas with beautiful white sand. There are many tribes, diffrent kinds of interesting arts and crafts that can be found throughout the area.

Tourist can get to North Sumatera from various places. The best choice are take a ferry from penang to harbor of Belawan or to arrive by plane at Polonia Airport in Medan. The transportation systems are quite good in both cities and rural areas. It is suggested that tourists who would like to go to North Sumatera take land transportation from Aceh, All the way to Jakarta going through Riau or West Sumatera. Moreover, the high ways have recently been repaired and you can board by luxury buses which are air conditioned so you can enjoy your trip.